One of my dearest friends announced over girls weekend she was pregnant, leaving the room stunned. Not in a bad way but in an OMG you never wanted kids way. I was so excited and recognized the reaction, because I got the same one when I got pregnant the first time too! So she's due in July and I just had to make a very special quilt for the newest edition to our world. I found this awesome fabric at Joann's in Florida and then built the colour scheme from there. It's a Kaleidescope quilt, which means lots of pieces, but totally worth it once completed.
I hope you like it little dude! Can't wait to you meet you!
The Front:

The backing fabric that inspired me!

I was checking out the rest of your site and noticed that BBB's quilt was here. We love it and we SO miss you!!! I think your intro about the room being stunned is funny. In a ya, so we changed our minds kinda way :) Love you!!!