Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Shoes and Bowtie Buttercream Cake–Tutorials included.


My friend Mark asked if I would make a birthday cake for two and make it girly.  The other requirement was chocolate and that yellow be incorporated.  Okey dokey. 

I wanted to try the large bow that crushed my spirit after the last cake I made (it broke when I put it on the cake).  This time I used Lesley’s of Royal Bakery’s tutorial on how she makes her bows and victory!  It didn’t break and looks actually like a bow.  Yay me!

I also tried Laura’s of Krazy Kool Cakes tried and true how to get the buttercream flat and crisp edges.  I’m 90% there and feeling groovy.

I would recommend both theses tutorials. They are fabulous.




Finally I made those tiny shoes out of fondant.  I used Cakes by Lynz’s how to make mini gumpaste shoes.  You can find it here.  The template is available in Lynsey’s tutorial.

I hope these tutorials help in your attempts in the world of cakes and I hope you enjoyed my creation!

Thanks for looking!

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